Astonishingly Rare Photos: History in Stills | n°11 #shorts

Explore a visual journey through time, witnessing human milestones and poignant moments of history. From Theodore and Muir at Glacier Point in 1903, to the audacious atomic bomb test at Bikini Atoll in 1946, and the heartwarming image of SSgt Bledsoe cradling an ill infant in 1968 – each image offers a unique snapshot into our eventful past. Uncover the unspoken stories hidden within frozen moments such as boys walking to school in 1938, or a bold soldier sticking his tongue out in 1951. Experience the vibrancy of yesteryears with Jim Morrison’s childhood fun in the 1960s and delve into the heroic narrative of the police escorting a man during the Detroit Riot in 1943. The narrative come full circle, ending with the Amsterdam dam shooting in 1945, leaving behind a potent reminder of our shared humanity and history.

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